There are many ways to structure your slides. One of the techniques I love is called “5 5 5 rule”:* 5 Words (or less) per line or bullet point* 5 Lines or bullet points (or less) per slide* 5 Slides (or less) per...
Archive - March 2024
Not all delegations are equal. Hence, whenever you delegate work, it is important to remove ambiguity and set clear expectations for all parties concerned. One of the good frameworks to think about this is called “Five...
தனஞ்சய் கீர் எழுதிய ‘Lokmanya Tilak : Father of Our Freedom Struggle‘ என்கிற திலகர் வாழ்க்கை வரலாற்றைப்...
1 நேற்று இரவு. கோரமங்களாவில் ஓர் உணவகம். ஒருவர் தனியாக நுழைகிறார். காலியாக இருந்த...