Here is the Video Recording of my session “Finding Time & Energy to Read 10 Books Every Quarter” #10BPQ Watch/Share with Others/Respond with your thoughts: Do you think we all can read 10 books a quarter? Why...
Category - English
A few minutes back, our regular vegetable seller called my wife from the road. My wife went to our balcony, looked at her open cart, picked the vegetables she needs, negotiated the price and mentioned the quantity for each. She...
என்னுடைய “Start Stop Habits” என்ற Newsletterபற்றி இங்கு அவ்வப்போது குறிப்பிட்டுவந்துள்ளேன். நாம்...
To-Do lists are powerful. They become more powerful when you combine them with the magic of calendars/reminders. For example, “Call John” is an item on my To-Do List. Adding it to my calendar on a Wednesday...
Just finished reading “So Good They Can’t Ignore You” by Cal Newport. One of the best books I read recently! This book argues that finding the work you love needs skills, not passion. The author...
Cal Newport எழுதிய So Good They Can’t Ignore You என்ற புத்தகத்தைப் படித்தேன். நமக்குப் பிடித்த வேலையைத்...
One of the earliest and most important steps in a software program is the preparation of a program plan. The program manager, in consultation with other roles such as product manager, engineering manager and lead engineers...
Tamil authors have always done well in the film industry: N Chokkan The winning entry will receive a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh, the first runners-up will be awarded Rs 50,000 and the second runners-up will win a cash prize of Rs...
I believe your To Do Lists are only as efficient as the pre-filtering process you use to keep them healthy. Else, anything and everything enters this list and it gets polluted, right and important tasks don’t get the...
Two books to learn about the detailed history of TCS (Tata Consulting Services): 1 The TCS Story & Beyond by TCS’ former CEO and MD S. Ramadorai 2 How TCS Built an Industry for India by R. Gopalakrishnan...